Fall Exploration Program On Electrum Property
ALBERTA - American Creek Resources Ltd. reported that the previously announced fall exploration program being conducted on its 100% owned Electrum property located in northern British Columbia has now successfully concluded.
The exploration program this fall was focused in an area where past work by American Creek had identified several very high grade gold and silver vein structures. The objective of the program was to gain a better understanding of the geological structure, to test a newly developed exploration concept and approach for the property, and to lay the baseline for future work on the project. A specialized, modified, diamond coring drill was utilized which had the capability to drill flat holes and which provided the ability to drill targets of interest with more precision. Approximately 100 grab specimens were collected from various locations on the property and eight shallow diamond drill holes totaling 1020 feet were drilled.
Four drill holes targeting the high grade surface area known as the "Shiny Cliff Lense" went through a significant zone of alteration in the host rocks before intersecting an apparent continuation of the surface gold and silver mineralization. A new flat hole that was directed toward the historic East Gold Mine adit vein system appears to have revealed a hidden zone of alteration near the drill collar and also appeared to enter a second mineralized zone which surrounds a hand mined open stope. An additional drill hole to investigate this near collar alteration appears to have intersected significant mineralization and the start of a previously unknown vein system.
Darren Blaney, COO, stated: "The work conducted this fall by consulting geologists Alex Burton and Malcolm Warwick appears to have made a major breakthrough in validating and proving the newly developed geological model and associated exploration concept for the Electrum. The new geological team, headed by Alex, has successfully identified a discernable alteration pattern in the non-mineralized rocks on the hanging wall side of a previously undrilled, but highly mineralized, surface outcrop thus unlocking one of the major hurdles encountered in previous work conducted on the property. We are excited for what this means going forward."
The drill core is in the process of being logged, split and sampled in preparation for assay. The Electrum Project is located in the "Golden Triangle" approximately 45km north of Stewart, British Columbia, near past operating mines including the Riverside, Scotty Gold, Granduc, Big Missouri and Silbak-Premier. The Electrum is road accessible and is only 45km from recently upgraded concentrate shipping port facilities located in Stewart. A new electrical power line currently being constructed by Pretivm Resources runs right up the valley beside the Electrum project and may provide a future source of power. The Electrum property encompasses the historic East Gold Mine, which has produced extremely high grades of gold, silver and electrum in the past, averaging 1,661 g/t gold and 2,560 g/t silver over 25 years of small-scale hand mining.